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Empowering Impact: Project Management Strategies to Drive Global Change

Deanna Landers

Founder & Chairman of the Board
Project Managers Without Borders

About the Presentation

Join Deanna as she provides the case for applying your project management skills to help improve the impact organizations have on the world state. She will also address how to identify potential partners, encourage them to accept support, and share approaches to make them more efficient and effective at achieving their missions.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn how to find organizations that are focused on global change 
  • Understand how to get a foot in the door in order to provide support 
  • Gain insights into how to apply project management to increase the organization’s impact 

About Deanna Landers

Deanna Landers is a PMI Fellow, and the Founder and Chairman of the Board of Project Managers Without Borders (PMWB), which has the mission to make a positive difference in the world through collaborative and sustainable projects. Deanna previously served on the board of directors of IEEE Smart Village, Metro Denver PM Education Foundation, PMI Mile Hi Chapter, and for 6 years on the international board of directors of PMI, leading the board as Chair in 2013. 

She has served as the Director of Program Management at Charter Communications, responsible for improving the maturity and effectiveness of project, program, and portfolio management for the organization. Prior to working for Charter, she was with IBM for 11 years, contributing to their award-winning Project Management Center of Excellence, as well as delivering a $350M portfolio of projects. 

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