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The Purpose Differentiator: How Aligning with Purpose in Projects & Life Changes Trajectories & Outcomes

Jane Morgan

Sr. Consultant & Executive Coach

About the Presentation

Ever been on a project where the “why” of it seemed elusive or even irrelevant to you? Or like the key decisions you make in life are made more out of necessity than true desire? We’re so used to focusing on what, when, who, and how, that the “why” often gets buried in all the noise. Operating with a purpose, values-driven approach changes things –as individuals, as project teams, and as organizations. We have more focus, motivation, and energy which leads to better outcomes, and also makes the journey along the way a little smoother. In her work as an executive coach and change management consultant as well as in her own life, Jane has seen the positive shifts that come from consciously operating aligned with a sense of purpose. During this 45-minute session, she’ll share her observations on what she refers to as “the purpose differentiator” along with her formula for working and living on purpose, developed over 15 years and 4,000 hours of coaching with teams and leaders, from prisons to boardrooms. There’s something different about people that live “on purpose”. Join her to find out what that is, and how to become one of those people.  

Key Takeaways

  • Understand the neuroscience of purpose and how this knowledge can help change our behaviors in terms of leveraging purpose. 
  • Identify the key elements that are crucial to incorporating purpose effectively in all you do. 
  • Learn how to stay on purpose even in the face of challenges.  

About Jane Morgan

Jane blends strategic planning and project management skills with a deep human behavioral change coaching approach – and her background reflects this unique mix. In addition to being MD of Plan.Coach.Succeed Ltd, she is also a Senior Consultant /Leadership Coach for IIL. With over 30 years of project, program & change management experience, along with 15 years of leadership development experience across a broad range of industries globally, she’s worked with individuals and teams from prisons to boardrooms and everything in between!