
Sustainability at IIL

Sustainability and corporate consciousness are critical elements of organizational success and, ultimately, organizational survival.

IIL has supported the development of Organizational Survival: Profitable Strategies for a Sustainable Future by Gregory Balestrero and Nathalie Udo, Strategic Advisors on Leadership, Sustainability & Corporate Consciousness. Organizational Survival presents a rational, research-based approach to developing a strategy to integrate sustainability into core business goals.

The book’s cornerstone is the SEEE™ Integrated Sustainability Model (SEEE™ Model), a framework that takes into account four pillars of strategic change: Social, Economic, Environmental, and Ethical.

Please visit Sustainability & Corporate Consciousness to learn more about the book, access an extensive Resource Library, connect with the authors, and more.

Organizational Survival is available in hardcover and eBook format from the IIL Bookstore.

Sustainability Consulting & Training

Sustainability Memberships
Sustainability Resources

Sustainable Sourcing

IIL is certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council™ (FSC®) Chain of Custody Standard which ensures that forest products (in our case, paper) can be traced from their final manufactured product all the way back to the well-managed forests from which the raw materials were harvested.

We have supply chain management systems and documentation in place to ensure that our paper continues to be sourced from sustainable vendors, and we have clear labeling systems in place to indicate such.

IIL's Environmental Policy

As a global organization with clients in more than 140 countries, IIL is aware that the way we choose to operate our business has a direct impact on the environment. As part of the value that we deliver to customers, it is our policy to:

  • Comply with applicable environmental laws and regulations
  • Conserve natural resources by reusing and recycling materials, as well as purchasing and using recycled materials whenever possible
  • Promote relevant environmental initiatives by our partners, vendors and suppliers
  • Support employee engagement activities that are helping reduce our environmental footprint
  • Regularly evaluate the aspects of our operations that impact the environment

We support public accountability and transparency, and therefore created our report on progress (Sustainability Report). Our inaugural bi-annual Sustainability Report covers activities and business practice for 2014-1015 and can be downloaded here.