Cashing in on Agile: The One Thing a PMO Can Do to Really Add Value

With J. LeRoy Ward

About the Webinar

Project Management Offices (PMOs) are challenged by two forces today: their value and the rise of Agile.

The rise of Agile and its use by organizations is increasing at an accelerating rate, yet many struggle to make it work. Multiple “State of the PMO” surveys show that many executives question their PMO’s value. PMO mortality rates are high with the average life span being roughly 3 years. Why? No perceived value.

Inspired by the work of Fredrich Reichheld (author of The Ultimate Question: Driving Good Profits and True Growth), LeRoy Ward surveyed a number of experts and asked, “What is the one thing a PMO head can do to implement Agile and show value?” You may be surprised by his findings.

This webinar will provide up to 1.0 PDU.
  • 0.75 strategic
  • 0.25 technical



J. LeRoy Ward
J. LeRoy Ward, PMP, PgMP, PfMP, CSM, CSPO, is IIL’s Executive Vice President of Enterprise Solutions and a recognized thought leader, consultant and adviser in project, program and portfolio management. With more than 39 years of experience in the field, his insights, perspectives and advice have been sought by hundreds of companies and government agencies around the world.

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