Free Course
Rubin Jen
Sr. Trainer & Consultant

Understanding Lean Fundamentals

About the Program

Creating needed value. Eliminating non-value-added work. Reducing waste. Continually improve. Seek perfection. Lean “thinking”.

With the increased adoption of Agile methods and approaches, we realize Agile has its roots in the Toyota Production System (TPS) and its common name—Lean. The Agile movement began with the Lean mindset of providing customer and business value while reducing additional overhead.  Today, the Lean approach is still considered a proven approach to reaching an organization’s most strategic goals.

It’s important to understand the core Lean mindset, and how we can use the Lean approach both in our work and everyday lives. At work, Lean is more important than ever because it helps organizations be more flexible, adapt to change, and continuously create value for customers.

This presentation will examine Lean, its history, and its underlying philosophy. We’ll review the idea of customer centricity and how value is defined by them.  We’ll also explore the principles of Lean and the 8 forms of waste.

Learning Objectives

  • Explain the history of Lean and the importance of the customer
  • Define value and describe how it is assessed
  • Relate and apply the 5 Lean Principles
  • Analyze the 8 forms of waste

Course Overview

Getting Started

Lean Basics

  • Lean history
  • The customer

What is Value?

  • Value defined by the customer
  • Benefits and value

Lean Principles

  • Principles defined
  • Value
  • Value Stream
  • Flow
  • Pull
  • Perfection
Pricing: $69 Per Person