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Top Ten Ways to Become the Best Project Sponsor on the Planet

By J. LeRoy Ward


Would you like to increase the number of on-time projects by 40%?

Increase the number of projects meeting their goals by 27%?

Increase the number of projects completed within budget by 28%?

Decrease the number of projects suffering scope creep by 30%?

Of course you would, who wouldn’t? No one I know.

Think of what these kinds of gains would mean to your organization or company. For example, if you were able to complete projects earlier than planned, this might result in:

  • Getting products to market faster
  • A significant increase in customer satisfaction
  • More revenue
  • Higher profits

Well, the fact is you can make these gains. How? Through effective project sponsorship.

About the Author:

J. LeRoy Ward
J. LeRoy Ward (PMP, PGMP, PFMP, CSM, CSPO) is Executive Vice President of Enterprise Solutions at the International Institute for Learning (IIL). He is a highly respected consultant and adviser to Global Fortune 500 Corporations and government agencies in the areas of project, program, and portfolio management. With more than 38 years of government and private sector experience, LeRoy specializes in working with senior executives to understand their role in project and program sponsorship, governance, portfolio management and the strategic execution of projects and programs.

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