
Team Discounts for IPM Day 2024

We are excited to welcome your team and organization to experience International Project Management Day 2024.

Please contact us to learn more about discount options available to you and ask about details on the value of our corporate unlimited license.

We look forward to the opportunity of working together, and once you submit the form below, our relationship manager will contact you very soon. See you online!

Have a question? Request more info here.

Contact [email protected] to find out if your company already has an IPM Day 2024 Group Discount, or options for purchasing one.

Barry Milhaven

Online Conference Relationship Manager

Need help requesting approval? Use our helpful template to help your boss understand the benefits of bringing your team to International Project Management Day 2024!

If you are unable to view or submit the inquiry form, please contact [email protected] directly for more info.


International Institute for Learning

485 Madison Avenue, 13th Floor
New York, NY 10022-5803

Virtual Learning Support: +1-212-515-5100

Administration/Production: +1-212-515-5074