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Portfolio, Programme and Project Management Maturity Model (P3M3®)

How are you assessing and benchmarking your organization’s current performance and developing plans for improvement?

P3M3® (Portfolio, Program and Project Management Maturity Model) developed by AXELOS provides a foundation for organizations to assess capability in project, program and portfolio management, and to identify opportunities for improvement.

P3M3® evaluates the entire system within an enterprise, not just processes. It analyses the balance between processes, the competencies and practices of those who use it, the tools in place for deploying and supporting it, and the management information used to manage project, program and portfolio delivery.

A P3M3® assessment approach typically entails the following stages:

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As an AXELOS Consulting Partner (ACP), IIL is licensed by AXELOS to deliver the certified and diagnostic assessments for the P3M3® Maturity Model. IIL Consultants bring world-class project management, listening, and collaborative skills, as well as global experience and footprint to meet our clients where they are located.

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