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Organizational Assessments

Where is your company in its journey towards excellence? Are your business needs fully aligned with high-impact, results-oriented training and development?

IIL’s Assessment Solutions help business leaders measure competency and organizational maturity levels in the areas of project, program or portfolio management, agile skills, and leadership competencies, to enable development of a tailored training curriculum.

Because we believe in a holistic approach to learning, we offer our clients all the key building blocks they need to achieve excellence in a vital learning environment. To measure the effectiveness of the training, we create Pre- and Post-Course Knowledge Assessments unique for each course.

Project Management and Agile Skills Assessment

IIL’s Project Management and Agile Skills Assessment provides a picture of your team’s overall Project Management and Agile knowledge and understanding. IIL will customize an online assessment tool for your team or organization. Using the results from the team, we’ll create an overall summary, provide recommendations for improvement and a training roadmap for moving forward.

Are your project managers receiving training that is aligned with the business needs of your organization? What are their skill gaps, and how are you measuring their growth and development?

How is your company performing in the project management arena? How does this performance compare to that of peer organizations? Developed by Dr. Harold Kerzner, one of the world’s foremost project management experts the Kerzner PM Maturity Assessment™ can help your organization achieve superior levels of project management maturity.

How are you assessing and benchmarking your organization’s current performance and developing a plan for improvement?

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