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How Agile/Scrum Solves the Top Waterfall Challenges

By Keith Wilson and Angyne Schock-Smith


Recent statistics show that project success is an elusive goal, especially for IT projects.

We have seen organizations increasingly leveraging Agile, in particular Scrum, to reduce the reasons for project failure and to drive benefits as outlined in the VersionOne State of Agile report (2018) which include:

  • Ability to manage changing priorities
  • Increased team productivity
  • Improved project visibility

In this white paper, we will explore how Agile/Scrum deals with what IIL Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) agree are traditionally the top three reasons for project failure, specifically:

  • Lack of user input
  • Incomplete requirements
  • Changing requirements

About the Authors

Keith Wilson
Keith Wilson (MBA, B.COMM., PMP, MCP, MCT, CSM, CSPO, KMP, SPC) is a Senior Consultant and Trainer with IIL. His background includes over 25 years of successful coaching, training, management, and consulting experience. He is well known for his public speaking skills and enthusiasm and has been a welcomed facilitator at numerous Fortune 500 corporations, universities, and associations worldwide.
Angyne Schock-Smith
Angyne Schock-Smith has been with IIL for over 20 years. In her most current position as IIL’s Strategic Portfolio Adviser, Angyne works with our top clients to apply her unique combination of expertise in technical subject matter, e.g., project management, leadership, Agile approaches, and business strategy, to craft solutions that best fit their complex program needs.

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